Waste Watch Reusables
The Atrium at Eickhoff:
1. SWIPE - All meal plan holders have access to the Waste Watch Reusables Program. Students may receive up to two containers by request only. Initial pickup will only be in The Atrium at Eickhoff.
2. CHOOSE - Once you request into the program, the cashier will hand you two tokens. Visit your desired station(s) and show your token to the server and drop your coin in the bucket.
3. FILL - The server will then fill your container with your requested food.
4. EAT & ENJOY - Take your container and enjoy your meal!
5. RETURN - Wipe and return your container to the cashier upon your next visit to receive token(s) and repeat. If dining in, drop off your containers at the exit and pick up token(s) for your next visit.