My Meal Plans:
Spring 2025 Meal Plan Options
To purchase a meal plan, please contact Residential Education & Housing or (609) 771-2301.
Students on a 19, 15, or 10 Meals per Week plan can use one Meal Equivalency swipe per day until 9pm, Monday through Friday. T-Dubs will offer a Late Night Dining meal period which runs from 9pm - 1am, where a Meal Equivalency can be used. The entire Late Night Dining meal period is considered as the day it started and does not reset at midnight. Meal Equivalency can be used at all retail dining locations except for Fresh Pride Café, Sushi, Teri Yaki, 1855 Room, C-Store, and for C-Store items at T-Dubs. Meal Equivalency swipe examples can include, but are not limited to, one bottled beverage, a small bag of chips, Simply to Go sandwiches and salads, desserts, Kosher & Vegan products, and other specialty salads and sandwiches. One Meal Equivalency swipe is equal to a maximum of $9.38. A student may use only one Eickhoff swipe or one Meal Equivalency swipe during a meal period. After using one of either, both are then locked out for the remainder of that meal period.
Meal Swipes are only accepted at The Atrium at Eickhoff or when using Meal Equivalency on a 19, 15, or 10 Meals Per Week plan. Flex Points can be used at all dining locations on campus. Flex Points carry over from Fall to Spring semester and are forfeited at the end of the Spring Semester if not used. 1 Flex Point = $1.